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Re: Kernel rebuilding in Fedora Core 3...


Is this the card that you recommend?



On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 14:08 -0600, Steven Pritchard wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 01:42:53PM -0600, Ken Keefe wrote:
> > I got my wireless working using ndiswrapper. However, when I installed
> > it, ndiswrapper warned me that my kernel is configured to use a 4k stack
> > but most windows drivers use an 8k stack. I was wondering if someone
> > could point me to a gentle, but thorough walk through on recompiling the
> > kernel in FC3. 
> It's not what you asked for, but you might want to consider just
> replacing the mini-PCI card in your laptop with one of the Intel Pro
> Wireless mini-PCI cards.  They're only $30 or so.  (The driver isn't
> in the stock kernel, but several sites package it.  Fedora Extras will
> probably have it soon-ish.)
> Otherwise, grab the kernel source rpm, install it (with rpm -ivh),
> edit the Release tag in the spec so you know it is yours (add ".kk" or
> something), edit the i686 config appropriately (I think the option is
> something obvious like CONFIG_4K_STACKS), and rebuild the custom
> kernel with "rpmbuild -ba --target i686 kernel.spec".
> It's a shame I haven't had time to find a source for mini-PCI prism54
> cards...  Those would Just Work with no extra kernel modules or
> anything...
> Steve

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