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Re: [SILUG]: [LUNI] Bunk???

Rich said:
> I dont deny the results of this test. The whole thing was built around
> multithreading which is an open issue in the Linux kernel. Linux cant send out
> to four nics at once, the kernel is NOT multithreaded. NT is.  

Actually, in 2.2.x, the kernel is very threaded.  There are probably a
few places where it could be threaded more, but the vast majority of
the time, Linux does use all the CPUs in a SMP box.  I can't speak
authoritatively about using multiple NICs, but I do recall that
binding multiple NICs together was one of the tricks the Beowulf
people talked about using to get more bandwidth cheap.

There are a lot of other issues with this test though...  Here's a
good list of them:


steve@silug.org           | Linux Users of Central Illinois
(217)698-1694             | Meetings the 4th Tuesday of every month
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.luci.org/ for more info

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