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Re: linkdups
On Thu, 2022-03-10 at 13:03 -0600, Steven Pritchard wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 09, 2022 at 10:19:15PM -0600, Steven Pritchard wrote:
> > Now that I have it working, I need to put some effort into making it
> > work quickly. At the moment it's pretty slow, but it should
> > eventually be as fast or faster than the old version with some work.
> I rewrote the function that shoves data in the database, and now that
> part runs around 76x faster on my test box. :-D
> If anyone is interested, the original code was doing a SELECT to see
> if
> there was already an entry for a file in the database, then did either
> an UPDATE or INSERT as appropriate. Now there is a UNIQUE INDEX and a
> TRIGGER combined with a blind INSERT that has an ON CONFLICT clause.
> Basically all of the logic moved to the database.
> https://github.com/silug/linkdups/commit/e478f7ff592d8e486d8b0b1d2ded7a964b60dc9e
> (And yes, I'm learning a lot of SQL here...)
> Doc, if you tried what I had published last night, definitely try it
> again. I had to make a small tweak to the database, but it should
> upgrade the database for you automatically.
I must have done something wrong. I went to
and opened up the linkdups file, highlighted all 524 lines, and copied
them into a vim file I named linkdups2. I saved that file to
/usr/local/bin, chmod 755, and tried to run it. It failed immediately:
# linkdups2
Can't locate List/MoreUtils.pm in @INC (you may need to install the
List::MoreUtils module) (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5
/usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl
/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5) at
/usr/local/bin/linkdups2 line 24.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/linkdups2 line 24.
Am I missing a package or two? Fedora 35 appears to have installed Perl
4 by default.
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- References:
- linkdups
- From: Steven Pritchard <steve@silug.org>
- Re: linkdups
- From: Steven Pritchard <steve@silug.org>