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Re: Where oh where has my uudecode gone?

Thanks, I didn't know about that --whatprovides flag for yum. That's
exactly what I was looking for. I did try googling for it, I guess I
just wasn't feeding google the right query...


On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 09:39 -0500, Steven Pritchard wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 10:14:03PM -0500, Ken Keefe wrote:
> > I search the system and it is nowhere. I do a yum list "*uu*" and it's
> > not on the list.
> You used to be able to install the rpmdb-fedora package and do "rpm -q
> --redhatprovides /usr/bin/uudecode".  They took rpmdb-fedora out of
> FC4 in favor of using yum for that sort of thing.
> Now you need to have the yum-utils package installed, but then you can
> do this:
>   $ repoquery --whatprovides /usr/bin/uudecode
>   Running from cache, results might be out of date.
>   sharutils-0:4.2.1-27.x86_64
> There's some nifty stuff in the yum-utils package.  I highly recommend
> it.  With it installed, I almost don't miss apt.  :-)
> If you were using apt, you could just "apt-get install
> /usr/bin/uudecode" and it would do the right thing, but apt appears to
> be on its way out too...
> Steve

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