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Re: Where did you start?
At 03:06 PM 4/4/03, you wrote:
>Hi all! I'm a relative newbie to Linux (I've been playing around/reading
>about it for almost a year now), and I know that many of you have been
>working/playing with Linux for a while. I was wondering how you got your
>start, and what you used to better yourselves (besides the
>jump-into-the-deep-end-and-try-to-swim method). Funny stories, anecdotes,
>and tales from the dark side would be much appreciated. (I want to make
>sure that I'm not losing my mind :-) Thanks!
The best way to learn to swim is to jump in and learn, .. same for Linux.
Leland V. Lammert lvl@omnitec.net
Chief Scientist Omnitec Corporation
Network/Internet Consultants www.omnitec.net
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