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Re: Mutt

On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 09:48:48PM -0600 or thereabouts, Steven Pritchard wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 06:04:29PM -0600, Gary wrote:
> > I use (in Mutt) set editor="vim -c 'set tw=74 et' -c ':0;/^$'"
> > 
> > Drops your cursor to the first open line... 
> Neat.

I like it, as it drops you ready to type below the headers 

> > For rewrapping lines, in VIM, I just use ESC gqip... many ways to skin
> > a cat ....

In Mutt's editing mode with VIM, if you put your cursor anywhere on a
paragraph that needs reformatting, i.e. some bloke not using 72 to 80 line
width, like Outlook, just hit the ESC key, and type gqip, and that
paragraph will be reformatted to your VIM specs (in tw), to include all
the >(reply prefex) in their proper places at the beginning of the quoted
reply. I also use it if I want to add words, sentences in an existing
paragraph that I am typing, and then need to do a new paragraph format to
make tw proper. 

When doing an ESC (command mode) gqip, on a paragraph, it is best to
delete the ">" between paragraphs, otherwise, every line that has ">" will
be reformatted, which is fine, except if you have a ">" before your sig,
because it will then reformat your sig to __ gary, instead of below.

Make sense? This only happens if your entire quoted reply has all ">" all
the way down to your sig.. 
leave a space here, and not a ">" so you will not get a __ Gary.

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