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Re: Mutt

 Thank You

Gary wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 09:48:48PM -0600 or thereabouts, Steven Pritchard wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 06:04:29PM -0600, Gary wrote:
> > > I use (in Mutt) set editor="vim -c 'set tw=74 et' -c ':0;/^$'"
> > >
> > > Drops your cursor to the first open line...
> >
> > Neat.
> I like it, as it drops you ready to type below the headers
> > > For rewrapping lines, in VIM, I just use ESC gqip... many ways to skin
> > > a cat ....
> In Mutt's editing mode with VIM, if you put your cursor anywhere on a
> paragraph that needs reformatting, i.e. some bloke not using 72 to 80 line
> width, like Outlook, just hit the ESC key, and type gqip, and that
> paragraph will be reformatted to your VIM specs (in tw), to include all
> the >(reply prefex) in their proper places at the beginning of the quoted
> reply. I also use it if I want to add words, sentences in an existing
> paragraph that I am typing, and then need to do a new paragraph format to
> make tw proper.
> When doing an ESC (command mode) gqip, on a paragraph, it is best to
> delete the ">" between paragraphs, otherwise, every line that has ">" will
> be reformatted, which is fine, except if you have a ">" before your sig,
> because it will then reformat your sig to __ gary, instead of below.
> Make sense? This only happens if your entire quoted reply has all ">" all
> the way down to your sig..
> >
> leave a space here, and not a ">" so you will not get a __ Gary.
> --
> Gary
> -
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