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Re: Gentoo: To mirror or not to mirror?

On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 14:50, Steven Pritchard wrote:
> a) No option to install pre-compiled (and tested) binaries.
Well, 1.4 is introducing what is called GRP (Gentoo Reference Platform)
the major pieces of software precompiled for the popular platforms.  
And if you're worried about stability, stick to the stable tree.  

> b) BSD init scripts.

I have to disagree with you here.  I don't think they are BSD style. 
They're not strickly SysV either.  Its more a composite of SysV and the
new need/provide methodoly from Richard Gooch.  Like I said earlier the
only thing I wish they did differently was stick to the SysV directory
structure.  Most s/w today that uses init scripts recognizes /etc/rc.d. 
On gentoo, its /etc/init.d, and /etc/runlevels.


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