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Re: fun at the windows XP launch
I went to the Win 2000 launch at the Americas Center. There were folks there
doing just that. There were also three guys sitting one row in front of me
just to my left that, as the gentleman was going through all the new
features of W2K kept heckling the speaker with things like, RedHat could do
that 2 years ago and Linux does that and it's free. I was smiling but there
were quite a few people who looked terribly puzzled.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Castleberry" <castlebb@challengeunlimitedinc.org>
To: <silug-discuss@silug.org>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 9:15 AM
Subject: fun at the windows XP launch
> i had a fun idea the other day, since the company i'm working for is
> at going to winxp for desktops they want me to go to the launch, so i'm
> thinking this would be a good time to heckle M$, and then it hits me, this
> would be the perfect opportunity to give a away Linux distro's, just burn
> bunch of coppies and get outside the building first, then as everyone is
> leaving start giving them away, i think that would be more of a tactical
> approach, if i only had more time, might have to do that at there next
> product launch
> Bob the Kat
> There is a theory which states that if ever anyone
> discovers exactly what the universe is for and why
> it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced
> by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
> There is another theory which states that this has
> already happend.
> -
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