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Re: FH -> Linux Router Discussion

Tighe,  I would like some general background info before delving into the 
hard-core stuff.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 4/6/01, 8:29:24 AM, Tighe <emry@accessus.net> wrote regarding FH -> Linux 
Router Discussion:

> Hi everyone,
>       I need to get a scope on the level of knowledge that everyone
> wants.  Are you going to want a discussion on routing in general at first
> and then with that back ground be able to better understand the linux
> router?  Or would you like to see how to hack up the kernel to make the
> best possible router that there is?  Here is a list of things that go
> along with linux routers:

> IP tunneling (IPIP/GRE)
> IP Multicast
> Policy based routing
> ToS/CoS/QoS
> IPv6
> BGP/IGRP/etc
> Filtering

> Although, the filtering would be probably better left to a firewall
> discussion.  Here is also a great more many things that we can look at
> with routing protocols as well.  If everyone could give me a wish list
> about what they want to see that would be most helpful.  Otherwait it
> looks like I could yack about this pretty much all night long.

> Tighe

> --
> Tighe Schlottog               Sys Admin at large        
>                              ook ook
> "Mr. Wizard, I think I'd rather be a coot than a hacker. Yeah, sure, 
> now and then a giant pink-haired ape would come running after me and
> chase me into the lake, but really, could it be that much worse? I'd have
> a tiny little brain and wouldn't be expected to worry about anything."
>                                               -jwz from www.jwz.org

> -
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