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Re: Boot problem

It seems odd that the machine would stop working like that without any
underlying reason, e.g. a failing disk, an upgrade, deleted file.

The first step you might want to consider it to create a backup of the
disk.  You can do so by booting with an Ubuntu desktop CD, mounting
the internal drive, and copying the important data (e.g. Chemistry,
English, etc.) to an external USB drive.

Once you have done that, open a shell terminal and run this collection
of commands:

sudo true && (
set -x
sudo fdisk -l
blkid -o list
ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/
) >& output.txt

Post the contents of the output.txt file here as that will give us
some clues as what to do next.

- Robert

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:17 PM, Craig Ziegel
<mwtransport@wisperhome.com> wrote:
> My son uses Ubuntu Studio. He turned his computer on the other day and
> this is what he got. His system wouldn't boot this system has his
> Chemistry stuff, English and what ever else. So I can't nuke it and do
> a fresh install. Can anyone tell me some scripts to run to possibly get
> this system up and running again. I tried the help option and still the same issue. Please help

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