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Re: LibreOffice v. OpenOffice?

On Mon, 2011-02-14 at 13:45 -0600, Wolfgang wrote:
> Has anyone here compared these two office suites and use them
> regularly?  I rarely need to use MS Office for school so anything
> simple that doesn't matter as to exact formatting gets done in
> openoffice currently.  Now I know Oracle bought Sun and now OpenOffice
> seems at risk of being discontinued so I was thinking of escaping
> Oracle and going to LibreOffice for my tri-system network.  Any
> thoughts or inputs strictly about the software and not Oracle and
> their "habits".


As that old expression says, the Devil is in the details. One detail
about OpenOffice (and I presume LibreOffice) that drives me nuts is its
inability to support printing common envelopes. One of the reasons I
keep a copy of WinXP and Office 2003 available on one of my laptop hard
drives is its ability to print envelopes with no muss or fuss. Oh sure,
the menu pick is there in OpenOffice.org, but I'm damned if I can get it
to print small (3-5/8" x 6-1/2") envelopes correctly. OO.o defaults to
European sizes and measurements (e.g., A4, mm, etc.), and I've yet to
discover where to switch it to common Yankee defaults.

On the other hand, it's free.


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