On Oct 26, 2010, at 6:53 PM, Thomas Boxley wrote:
> That's basically all I've done. I've just copied and pasted most of the
> text, too.
> I have it set up to make editing easier though. All of the <head>
> content and the logo / navigation area are in a file called header.php.
> All of the other pages have a <?php require("header.php"); ?> which
> calls the contents of header.php into each page with that bit of php.
> I also have a variables.php page set up that will allow you to easily
> change the dates of meetings without scrolling through code.
> --
> Thomas Boxley | Many of my messages include a PGP
thomasb2k10@gmail.com | signature or encryption. My PGP key
http://mpscripts.com | can be found at