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Re: how to hard link directories?

A symbolic link?  That is what I use on my Mac servers for web sharing.
Basically, it is a symbolic pointer.

ln -s /pub/fedora/linux/development/13 /pub/febora/linux/updates/13
ln -s (for sybolic) pointingto linkitself

Therefore, development/13 would contain the files while updates/13 would symbolically link to the development 13.
It doesn't use up any more space and for all purposes it sees it as both a seperate folder, and not.
Great for web use when creating a temporary beta site.


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Robert G. (Doc) Savage <dsavage@peaknet.net> wrote:
I'd like to create a hard link between


such that the contents of ./updates/13 exactly match those
of ./development/13 without consuming any more disk space.

I've been hammering away at various combinations and permutations of
'ln' without any luck. Is ln the correct utility to use? If so, what's
the syntax I should use?


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