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Bare Metal Backups & Restorations

Matt Wehland's mention of his Gateway laptop without install disks
prompts me to release to this group the attached draft of a document
I've been working on. It's still in the "polishing" and "what about
such-and-such" stage, so comments & questions are welcome. (It's in
OpenOffice.org Writer v2.3 format.)

In this document I've borrowed many of the techniques I learned in a
SANS Security 508 course, "Computer Forensics, Investigation, and
Response" that I took about three years ago. For those of you who can
finagle your employer to send you to such a course at an upcomig event
like SANS 2009 at Orlando, I highly recommend it. You'll learn how to
employ GNU/Linux tools to do some amazing things.


Bare-Metal Back Ups and Restorations.odt

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