On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Robert G. (Doc) Savage
<dsavage@peaknet.net> wrote:
On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 23:14 -0600, Der Allmächtige wrote:
> Has anyone ever done a triple boot involving XP Pro x64, Ubuntu x64,
> and Fedora x64. I would like to at least dual boot XP Pro x64 and
> Ubuntu x64 which I know how to do, but I've never set up a triple
> boot.
> --
> "You must control your future by taking command of your present, and
> fixing and learning from your past."
> "When history is forgotten people don't realize when it repeats."
The most important thing to keep in mind when installing multiple
operating systems in a multi-boot configuration is Windows doesn't know
how to do that. Windows always thinks it's the only OS being installed,
so it must be first. Subsequent Linux installs will recognize any
pre-existing installs and set up GRUB so that Windows is one of the
The second consideration will be how much hard drive space to allocate
to each OS. This used to be critical, but huge hard drives are now
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