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Re: Java on linux

Thank Guys!

Turns out it was an old version of Java Debian puts in /usr/bin
Got rid of it and updated my path to the latest JDK version. Everything is good now.


2008/12/28 Jason M. Schindler <jschindler@bucket440.com>

javac -cp . Simulator.java

If it works, then you probably just need to add a "." to your CLASSPATH
environment variable so that it includes the working directory.  If
CLASSPATH is defined, java will not look in the working directory unless
told to do so.


In addition to the below, you may want to do a printenv to see what
CLASSPATH is currently set to.

> Hi everyone,
> I was hoping to run something past all of you.
> I have some Java code which I want to run on my Linux system.
> I have JDK installed and it compiles individual java classes fine.
> The issue is, whenever I attempt to javac the Main file which implements
> all of the other classes written as separate files it says that it can not
> find them.
> tdavies@Kimya:~ javac CanAddSocket.java
> tdavies@Kimya:~ javac Simulator.java
> Simulator.java:11: cannot find symbol
> symbol: class CanAddSocket
> public class Simulator extends JFrame implements ActionListener,
> CanAddSocket {
> .
> .
> .
> Just wondering if anyone had any input to this matter.
> Thanks
> Travis
> --
> I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.
>  --Socrates

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