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Re: Java on linux
On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 9:33 PM, Travis Davies <travisdavies@gmail.com> wrote:
> Simulator.java:11: cannot find symbol
Depending on what your package declaration is, you may need to play
with your classpath a little bit.
So, let's consider two classes that are part of the fictional
math.topology.spaces package. Call one HausdorffSpace and the other
TopologicalSpace. HausdorffSpace extends TopologicalSpace. These
files live in ~/top-axioms/src/math/topology/spaces/.
If you let your current working directory be
~/top-axioms/src/math/topology/spaces/ and run javac against
HausdorffSpace.java, it should bark about not being able to find the
parent class. There're two easy solutions here:
1) You can pass -cp ~/top-axioms/src/ as an option to javac.
2) You can run javac from ~/top-axioms/src/
I would highly advise throwing together the appropriate things to make
ant work to evade this down the line though.
Hope this helps,
Nathaniel R. Reindl
Junior, Mathematics and Statistics (Applied Mathematics)
Engineering (Computer Science)
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
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