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Re: RHEL 5.2


I don't think the Virtualization group is part of a default
installation. I use VMware Server rather than Xen, so I intentionally
didn't select anything from the Virtualization group when I first
installed RLEL 5.0. Oddly enough, I do have the xen-libs 3.0.3-64.el5
package installed, but nothing else with 'xen' in its name.

To see what groups of related packages you have installed:

# yum -y grouplist

If you find Virtualization listed at the bottom under "Available Groups"
you don't have those packages installed. For more info run:

# yum -y groupinfo Virtualization
Group: Virtualization
 Description: Virtualization Support.
 Mandatory Packages:
 Default Packages:

To install these packages along with all of their dependencies, run:

# yum -y groupinstall Virtualization

Hope this helps,


On Fri, 2008-10-17 at 23:05 -0700, Tom Dison wrote:
> I have a new install of RHEL 5.2. It is trying to update Xen, but when
> I does it gives me a dependency error:
> "Missing Dependency: xen-libs = 3.0.3-64.el5 is needed by package xen"
> This is a brand new install of RHEL, with a default selection. Any
> idea why this would happen. This seems odd to me for a supporter
> server. 
> In several years of Debian/Ubuntu I have never had a package conflict.
> Is this a norm?
> Faith without Works is Dead...

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