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Re: TFTP Boot

Hi Travis,

Sonuds like a permissions error, what is the perms of the /tftpboot directory and files and directories within that ? 

Are you sure that NFS is working ? Can you from a different NFS client, run the command "showmount -a <IP_Addr_of_NFS_Server> and post it back ? 

Can you also restart the tftp server and then tail the /var/log/messages file and repsond with the output ? 

#!/usr/bin/rh stop

---- Travis Davies <travisdavies@gmail.com> wrote: 

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to setup PXE boot using sles10. I am new to this concept, and I
am having trouble getting it to work.
I set up a DHCP server, whcih seems to be working. I also set up a tftp
server which seems to be the problem.
I also put /tftpboot in my exports file and started the nfs server just in

When I boot my client node, I recieve the following erros:
PXE-T02: Forbidden directory
PXE-E3C: TFTP Error - Access Violation
PXE-M-F: Exiting intel boot agent.

I've seen posts on the net about this very thing but havent seen anything
giving a proper explanation or solution to it.
Any help is very much appreciated.

Thank you

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