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Re: grub, booting a cd from a floppy

One thing I noticed is when it first boots off the
floppy, and then you select the CDROM, it sometimes
fails the first few times. You just keep hitting enter
and eventually it works. YMMV

--- Robert Citek <rwcitek@alum.calberkeley.org> wrote:

> On Mar 18, 2006, at 10:48 AM, Tom Dison wrote:
> > I use Smart Bootmanager at
> http://btmgr.webframe.org/
> Yup, tried that, too.  No dice.  I find it odd that
> a machine that  
> can boot from the CD-ROM is not able to be booted
> either from grub on  
> a floppy or the SmartBootManager.
> Regards,
> - Robert
> http://www.cwelug.org/downloads
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