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Re: Very slow system

On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 06:09 -0500, Stephen Reindl wrote:
> Doc I've seen similar behavior on my Athlon 1.3 machine with fairly 
> similar specs. Usually only on reboot after the mandatory "your computer 
> will now reboot" message associated with new software install. I have 
> nailed my problem down to the ACPI in the bios. ECS says to upgrade the 
> bios, which I haven't done yet. Food for thought!


Was in the process of tracking down a BIOS upgrade when I wrote my first
post. :-) Many thanks to our friends at Gigabit for supporting their
GA-7VMKL mobo.

This morning after literally dozens of tries, HELIX has fully booted and
is functioning (sort of). The machine is still chained to a lamp post,
speed-wise, so I don't think the core problem is solved yet. At least I
should now be able to back up images of the two hard drives.

-- Doc
Robert G. (Doc) Savage, BSE(EE), CISSP, RHCE | Fairview Heights, IL
Fedora Core 3 kernel 2.6.10-1.770_FC3 on a P-III/M IBM Thinkpad A22p
"Perfection is the enemy of good enough."
                         -- Admiral of the Fleet Sergei G. Gorshkov

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