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Re: Can apt automagically update the kernel?

Steven Pritchard wrote:

>On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 10:48:18AM -0600, Charlie Brune wrote:
>>Can "apt" be told to download and install new versions of the kernel as
>>they become available?  I can tell it to grab the new kernel myself (via
>>"apt-get install kernel#..."), but I'd prefer that it do it automatically.
>The fedora.us apt does.
>>I would swear that it used to grab new versions of the kernel without my
>>having to do anything special, but it doesn't appear to be doing that now.
>You probably accidentally "upgraded" apt to the freshrpms (or some
>other repository's) version.

Guilty as charged! 8-) I am currently pointing to freshrpms.

At fedora.us, I don't see a link specifically for Fedora Core 3. Should 
I install the one for Fedora Core 2?


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