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Re: does anyone have a RPM of LCDex?

On Tue, 2004-12-21 at 16:55, bentley_rhodes wrote:
> does anyone have a working RPM or something that i can use for ripping 
> my cd's from the cd-rom to the hard-drive?  or can someone tell me what 
> all i need to make it work?  i think FC3 comes with grip, but it doesn't 
> ship with a mp3 encoder.

Due to IP issues.

But you _can_ automagically get it from Livna.ORG.  Livna.ORG is run by
guys from the original Fedora Project.  It exists to continue
distribution of packages that have "licensing issues."

Livna.ORG has "lame" and several other MP3 encoder utilities supported
by Grip.  I personally use "lame" myself, from Livna.ORG no less.

For Fedora Core 3's YUM (automatic package downloader), follow this
procedure to access Livna.ORG.

First run:    
  rpm --import http://rpm.livna.org/RPM-LIVNA-GPG-KEY

That imports the GPG so we can verify if any and all future packages
from Livna.ORG have been tampered with.

Then _edit_ the file "/etc/yum.conf" and add the following lines:  

  name=Livna.org Fedora Compatible Packages (stable)
  baseurl= http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/$releasever/$basearch/RPMS.stable

  name=Livna.org Fedora Compatible Packages (testing)

  name=Livna.org Fedora Compatible Packages (unstable)

This setups up YUM to access Livna.ORG package repositories.
Now let's install "lame"!  Run:  

  yum install lame

That will not only download and install "lame", but it will download and
install anything lame requires _automagically_!

You can get a list of packages available that are stable, testing and
unstable here:  

> I don't know the one to take from my windows cdex.exe directory.

It wouldn't work.  Windows programs do _not_ work on Linux.  Plug-ins
_rarely_ work, because Windows (Win32 Dynamic Link Library, .dll) and
Linux (System V Shared Object, .so) are completely _different_.

> lcdex from www.sourceforge.net has several different packages to compile
> from source, and i cannot compile stuff from  sourcecode.
> hey, another thing, where is the 'grip' directory?

UNIX/Linux does not group programs, configuration, etc... by
"directory."  UNIX/Linux maintains _strict_ separation of binaries, from
data, from configuration, etc... -- both system and user.  It's why it
is far more secure on a LAN than the majority of Windows installations.

> i think i might have found a binary, but i have no clue.

Don't install it.  Stick with Fedora Core, Extras and Livna.ORG _first_.

If Fedora Core, Extras or Livna.ORG doesn't have it, _then_ consider DAG
( http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/apt/ ).  The community of Fedora
repositories exist for your protection.  ;-p

Bryan J. Smith                                    b.j.smith@ieee.org 
Subtotal Cost of Ownership (SCO) for Windows being less than Linux
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) assumes experts for the former, costly
retraining for the latter, omitted "software assurance" costs in 
compatible desktop OS/apps for the former, no free/legacy reuse for
latter, and no basic security, patch or downtime comparison at all.

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