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Re: [OT] My position fell through, so I'm looking for work to stay
On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 00:57, Daniel S wrote:
> Bryan,
> New to the mailing list but checkout
> www.tristatehelpwanted.com
> If you know any Korn skripting there was a posting for
> it early this week or over the weekend. Also the Job
> is in Evansville, IN; don't really know what your
> comute would be like. Hope this helps.
> http://regionalhelpwanted.com/Search/detail.cfm?SN=87&ID=1523
Job is no longer available is what I get from the link (4jobs).
I searched that external site (4jobs) and sure enough, it's not there.
Just FYI for anyone else considering it.
Sounded like a good fit for me. My 4 strongest platforms are Linux,
NetApp, NT/200x and, probably the longest, Solaris. I'm more of a
bash/tcsh coder, but I've done enough korn in my time to be dangerous.
Looks like they needed file transfer scripts and that's a staple of
my career (especially transfers using PKI).
Well, I posted my resume there, and linked to the Florida boards.
Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith@ieee.org
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