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Re: Is there a way to do this?

On Fri, Oct 15, 2004 at 03:09:43PM -0500, Ken Keefe wrote:
> So, when I want to edit a text config file on my server I usually open a
> ssh and say "emacs <file> &"
> The problem with that is that because it is not only sending the file
> data, it is sending the gui data with it, it is very slow over a normal
> internet connection. I know I could do emacs -nw to speed things up, but
> I like the window. 

Or "unset DISPLAY".  Or use "ssh -x" instead of just "ssh".

> Anyway, my question is, is there a way to open a text file on a remote
> system using a local application only through a ssh session? In other
> words, I'd like to edit this file, but I don't want to use the emacs on
> my server, I want to use the emacs on my local machine so it is very
> responsive.

I would copy/edit/copy.  Since we're talking about emacs though,


(Google knows all, but it had to think really hard to come up with
that one...)

steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
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Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/

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