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Re: RedHat Desktop Distro
On Tue, 2004-05-04 at 09:33, Drews, Jonathan* wrote:
> Just saw this on Osnews.
> http://www.redhat.com/software/rhel/desktop/
> Red Hat Desktop is the newest member of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux family.
> It provides a high-quality, full-featured client system that is suitable for
> use in a wide range of desktop deployments.
> Personally I don't think it will be as good as Libranet or Xandros.
Are you serious?
Libranet is ok, but Xandros?
Xandros may be good on those home systems for mom and pop. But for a
desktop system, on Corporation desktops. Xandros isn't going to cut it.
Corporate desktops don't need all the configuration fluff, and
modifications in those "home desktop distros". Coporations are going to
have IT staff to manage them. I'd take a solid system managed by my IT
staff, over home desktop fluff anyday.
Xandros may be good for home users, and those walmart pc's, but it's
not going to cut it on the corporation desktop.
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