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On Sun, 2004-04-04 at 17:59, Stephen D. Reindl wrote:
> I have a webserver at private and 206.XXX.XXX.XX6 public.
> The domain resolves just fine for everyone outside of my LAN. The domain
> will not resolve inside the LAN, in other words if I put
> http://www.mydomain.com into the address bar of my favorite web browser,
> I get the default apache test page on the firewall/router which is at
> 206.XXX.XXX.XX1. How can I make the domain resolve correctly from inside
> the LAN?


I'd check two things:

1. Check the "controls" line in your nameserver's /etc/named.conf file.
Search on "THE CONTROLS STATEMENT" in 'man named.conf' for guidance.

2. Local systems should not have to exit your LAN and return for
nameservice resolution. Therefore their /etc/resolv.conf files should
contain the line:


rather than 206.xxx.xxx.xx6. Also, their network interfaces should be
configured to point to the default gateway for your LAN ( or

These settings assume that your firewall/router performs network address
translation services between the 206.xxx.xxx.0 and networks.
If NAT service is done by another router, the settings might be different.

Hope this helps...


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