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Re: SpamAssassin Corruption?

On 19 Feb 2004 Ken Hagan wrote:
> Perhaps adding a script that uses wordnet to determine if 
> there are no sentences with verbs in the message?  One could 
> easily develop a decent grammar to check the grammar in the 
> message and determine that there are no intelligible sentences
> and assume that the message is probably spam.

Given the example, I'd suggest a more elegant approach would 
focus on statistical calculation of word length.  Average word
length alone would determine the example text outta range for
ordinary English.  I believe a certain absence of two and three 
letter words would flag it at no expense to communicative text 
in most any language using a Latin character set.

However, a test for intelligible language would be obstructive
to encrypted email which is unintelligible by design.

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