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Re: new user doesn't crash

On Sun, 2003-10-26 at 12:15, Jason V Smith wrote:

> Are you taking Cisco's Networking Academy?  I took that a few years
> ago.  Never took the CCNA though.  Good luck.
Yes, and thanks. I have it pretty well worked out, that by July of 2005
I should have my CCNA and CCNP and completed the requirements for an
Assosciate of Applied Science in Network Design and Administration.

Having completed that, and combining it with my Associate of Applied
Science in Electronics Technology I should, with the addition of 2 or 3
more courses, have all 3 tracks of the AASNDA degree. I'll need a novell
class, and maybe the A+ stuff. Those would give me the requirements for
the hardware track, the OS track, and my chosen track the Network
Professional track.

The best part, I guess, is that because I'm a displaced American
Airlines mechanic, the National Emergency Grant money is paying for all
of it through the Illinois Workforce Investment Act. Grand total of
close to $8000, including all 4 exams. w00t w00t.

BTW, If you thought that the version 2 course was a biatch, the version
3 is worser. The on-line curriculum is better but the exams are way
harder. They do alot of 6 answers, all could be right, pick the best 3.
It really is more of an exercise in learning how to take the Cisco exams
than it is struggling with the curriculum. My average for the first 2
modules CCNA1 and 2 was 82.3. There were 2 other people above me and
nobody above an 85, which is what the CCNA requires to pass.

Learning to hate the OSI model and the TCP/IP stack!
Knowing a Unix variant makes this CLI stuff much easier.

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