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Re: MDK 9.2 out

On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 17:00:11 -0500 (CDT), Jack Browning
<spaminacan@charter.net> wrote: 

> On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 mike808@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
> > > I like BT, too. I just wish there was some trivial way to throttle
> > > the upstream.
> >
> > You were unable to limit the connections (port range)?
> >
> > IIRC, there's command-line options for these. Fer instance:
> >
> >   --max-uploads
> >   --minport
> >   --maxport
> Found a better one: btdownloadcurses.py takes a parameter in the form
> "--max_upload_rate <num>" where <num> is the desired maximum upload
> rate in KB/sec. Just tried it, and it seems to work pretty good. Now,
> if I can just keep my POS RP614 from crashing when I use BT...

BitTorrent's main disadvantage is that it uses some heavy system
resources. I know a bunch of people who are running 50+ torrents at a
time, and all of the SHA (?) hashing it does to prevent corruption
(along with the TCP overhead.)

But it's probably the most efficient way to handle distribution, since
otherwise *one* machine would be carrying all that overhead for lots of

scott c. linnenbringer    |  sl@panix.com
http://www.panix.com/~sl  | sl@moslug.org
jabber: sl@theoretic.com  |  irc: Jawoota

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