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Re: DNS aliasing

Sounds like you just want to do a CNAME like this in your otherdomain.com
zone file:

bob                     CNAME   alice.somedomain.com.

People's resolvers should then check with the named in charge of somedomain.com
for alice and be sent to wherever it currently resides.  As long as
you're using it for a web site and not for an MX or a nameserver, it should
be fine AFAIK.

You shouldn't need mod_rewrite if you just set up named virtual hosting
on the web server.  Both sites should resolve to the same IP address so
Apache should simply have named virtual hosts on that IP for both sites.

On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 01:53:12PM +0000, mike808@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
> I have a friend with a dynamic DNS service.
> Bascially, she's got a machine, alice.somedomain.com.
> I manage the DNS for otherdomain.com.
> I want to setup bob.otherdomain.com to always resolve to the same IP as
> alice.somedomain.com so that either name will work.
> In particular, http requests should be able to put up a virtual host for either.
> mod_rewrite can be used to send one to the other if this isn't needed.
> I don't know jack about zone files (other than *basic* SOA, A, CNAME, and MX 
> records).
> Thoughts? Examples? How-To? URLs? Googlisms?
> Mike/
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