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Libranet or Debian ?


Scott C. Linnenbringer wrote:
>Libranet isn't directly related to Debian, or the project itself.
>It does utilize a lot of the Debian userland (like apt and much of the
>Debian-specific tools,) but it has expanded on them in a different way,
>and if I recall, has a lot of custom built packages that won't
>necessarily work on a Debian system from the stable distribution.

>I've never used Libranet though .. I probably should. ;)

 This is a big problem that I need advice on. From what I have read, on the 
Libranet forum, it is quite hard to update Libranet. That is if I get 
Libranet 2.8.1, then I am pretty much stuck with Gnome 2.2.2 because of the 
custom packaging that Scott has noted. OTOH if I get the stock Debian CD's 
then there is too much to Download. With a dialup, I just can't get the 
updates. That is why I buy Libranet. I can get fairly recent releases of Kde 
and Gnome. With stock Debian, I have no way of getting a set of CD's that has 
the unstable packages (i.e. the latest office software). Any advice on how I 
can get Debian CD's with Gnome 2.4, Abiword 2.0, Gnumeric 1.2 and Open Office 

 I can get this in FreeBSD but I would like to use an up to date Debian.

		Kind regards,

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