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Re: Dial up Follow up

> BTW - Sharing the same pair with ADSL and voice is a BIG disadvantage for 
> ADSL (and a major advantage for SDSL - unfortunately, it also adds 
> significantly to the price for another wire pair).

Unless you've previously disconnected a second voice line (as a separate
order from the DSL on the first line), and talk the the phone guy when he 
shows up to connect the DSL and ask him nicely to use that second pair when 
configuring the circuit. He has to hook up one pair of wires either way, so 
there's no technical reason he wouldn't do it, and it's no extra work.
They hooked up mine that way, and it's never been an issue.

But, if he's in a bad mood or whatever, it might not happen. But, if you do 
get your DSL over the (now unused) second pair to your house, happy surfing.



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