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Re: KVM Switch

On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 05:06:00PM +0000, mike808@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
> Some other features to consider are OSD (On-Screen Display), higher maximum 
> screen resolutions and refresh rates, PS/2 or USB KB/Mouse inputs, and if 

The KVM I have will support 2048x1536@75Hz, and it's one of the older
and moderately-expensive.

The OSD is what limits your display settings.

> you also want to switch audio as well. They all have keyboard-activated 
> switching (e.g. some arcane keystroke sequence like ScrollLock + ScrollLock + 
> Up/Dn) and should have manual switching (e.g. a button on the unit) as well.

Do you hate Belkin's keyboard sequences yet? ;)


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