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Re: Monday's C'dale meeting topic

On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 11:47:24AM -0600, fiaid@quasi-sane.com wrote:
> The main problem is that the wireless protocol SUCKS with the encryption 
> built into it.  A retarded monkey could crack it.  There are somethings 

The retarded monkey bit is right.  I can say that I've seen this done. 

> - turn down your antenna's power, it is making your sterile anyways.

It's also making your vision suck worse, too.  See, 2.4GHz is the
frequency at which water resonates, and this is how microwaves work.
You also know that humans are made primarily of water (98%), right?
Well, those cordless phones that everybody and their damned uncle
have now, for a prolonged period of time, will cause your vision to go
to hell.  Seriously. 

It's the same deal with wireless networking equipment.

> - use a VPN check out SLAN for a free one, slan.sourceforge.net.
> - don't use the default SSID and don't broadcast the thing.
> - check to make sure that you didn't leave the default password on your 
>   access point.
> - create a DMZ on your firewall that you run your access point off of to 
>   ensure that everything is connected right.
> - if at all possible do some sort of MAC filtering on the access point, 
>   this might become unmanagable with a large amount of connections though.

You may want to add ``run an SSH tunnel for data you'd wish to keep
ultimately secure'' to this list.  Just an idea...


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