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Crypto filesystems

I'm running a multi-boot system and checking out differences in filesystem

So far, SuSE, RH, and MDK agree on my LVM setup.
Mandrake hardcodes the filesystem types in /etc/fstab, so when you install
other OSes that reformat a partition to ReiserFS from ext2 or ext3, it
gets upset.

As for crypto filsystem support, SuSE has it as part of the install.
Very nice. Although, you only get a boot-time choice to mount it, not
per-user. It's in its own /etc/cryptofstab and some nice start/stop wrappers
in /etc/init.d. It uses blowfish encryption, btw.

RedHat does have cryptofs support, but only of the DES and XOR variety.
Looks more like a proof-of-concept inclusion, rather than useful integration.
I base that on the weak encryption offered.

It would be nice if the various distros supported cryptofs in a unified way.

Anyone else have experiences to share with using cryptofs or LVMs across 
multiple distros?

I'll be checking out Knoppix, Lycoris, and Xandros support for these soon.



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