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Re: Tonight's meeting (Metro)

With introduction through the top end I assume? Unless of course you're
getting really filled up from the bottom end. Oh yeah!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tighe" <emry@accessus.net>
To: <silug-discuss@silug.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: Tonight's meeting (Metro)

> Ummm,
> I have a small problem right now and I won't be able to present
> tonight, I would recommend going directly to the beer and pizza.  I found
> out that my ulcers are back and that I need to stay here at the docs
> office so that he can run some tests.  This is the definition of the word,
> suck.  On the plus side, it will allow me to revamp my
> presentation/demonstration.  I am going from kernel network compilation to
> kernel compilation, with emphasis on networking.  Bleh, anyone ever had
> that barium crap?  Tastes like I am drinking chalk, blueberry flavored
> chalk.  Bleh.
> Tighe
> --
> Tighe Schlottog Sys Admin at large   /emry\"@"/accessus.net\
>                              ook ook
> VERSION: 3.1
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> ++++$ E--- W- N++ w--- V PS+ PE Y++ PGP++ t+ 5++ X++ R+++ tv+
> b+++ DI++++ D++ G++ e++>+++ h--- r++ y**
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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