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Re: Tonight's meeting (Metro)

On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 04:30:11PM -0600, Tighe wrote:
> I have a small problem right now and I won't be able to present tonight

I hope you feel better soon.  I've been through a mild episode of that
before and it *sssuuuuuuuccccckkkkked*.  (Even that required a month
of prescription Pepcid and washing my meals down with Maalox.
Erythromycin is *evil*.)

We've had a couple of volunteers for alternate
topics/mini-presentations, and I have some stuff to talk about, so
we'll be fine.  And we still have a projector.

Hopefully I'll still see a bunch of you there in a few minutes...

steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
(618)398-7360             | See web site for meeting details.
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/

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