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Re: ssh

On 27 Oct 2001, Nate Reindl wrote:

> On Thu, 2001-10-25 at 08:56, Steven Pritchard wrote:
> > Make sure you aren't using version 1.x of ssh from there.  There are
> > people actively exploiting a hole in that.  (The absolute latest
> > version might be safe, but you should switch to openssh anyway...)
> Eheh.  I've been contemplating on migrating over to OpenSSH when I get
> the box upgraded a little more (6.4GB worth of space isn't much to play
> around in) and load a more stable and secure configuration of Red Hat on
> it. At this current point in time, I could care less if anyone wants to
> exploit a nasty hole in a daemon that is running on a defunct box; they
> can have at it all they want.

No, you will care when the FBI knocks on your door because the lame ass
that hacked your system started DOS'ing .gov sites.  And given the new
laws they'll be more than happy to kick down your door and not give one
sh!t about what really happened.  And note, they'll be more than happy to
confiscate your equipment and *never* return it.  


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