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RE: Next Meeting

Yup... that's me.

I'll be giving a *very* beginner-level talk on SendMail.  I'll tell about my
horror story and how it got solved.  I don't know enough about it yet to be
dangerous, so I'm hoping we'll have input from those more knowledgable during
the discussion.

Plus... it give's me a reason to learn how to make slides in StarOffice!  8-)

See you there!

-----Original Message-----
From: Tighe [mailto:emry@accessus.net]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 1:50 PM
To: silug-discuss@silug.org
Subject: Next Meeting

Hello all,
	I was wondering what the topic of the next meeting is going to
be.  I know that someone mentioned that they were going to do a
presentation on Sendmail.  I was just wondering if this is still going to
happen or not.  Just curious.


ps.  If anyone has any experience with installing linux on a Sun
box.  Give me a write, need to know if there are any pitfalls that I ought
to avoid.  thanks.  :)

Tighe Schlottog		Sys Admin at large	  /emry\"@"/accessus.net\
                             ook ook

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