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Re: Everybody's playing Quake 2 but me

Robert Threet said:
> Cool!  It works under either X or from the shell.  The mouse is a little
> hinkey, though.  If I fire while turning - I keep spinning and running
> forever.  Anybody else have this?  I have a Compaq DeskPro 2000 with 2MB
> video RAM and a PS/2 mouse.

Kill gpm.  (Either "/etc/rc.d/init.d/gpm stop" or "gpm -k" as root.)

BTW, if you don't have a Voodoo, you aren't *really* playing Quake 2.
Original Voodoos are < $50 now, although you'll get double the frame
rate with a Voodoo 2.

Either way, it doesn't even look like the same game on a regular card.

steve@silug.org           | Linux Users of Central Illinois
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Steven Pritchard          | http://www.luci.org/ for more info

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