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Embedded Linux vs CE

No, time for Linux to move forward.

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Steven Pritchard wrote:

> Mark said:
> > I work in the CE shop and I can't get Linux in here
> > because of that.
> Sounds like time to get another job.  ;-)

	You mean to tell me that the people you work with actually put up with all 
the CE BS?  I spent a week in CA going to "CE school," and all I could 
think for the entire week was, "Why do these people put up with this? 
 Don't they know any better?"  I don't know about other architectures, but 
for x86, Linux is infinitely easier to use, on both kernel and user app 
levels.  And far better to work with...it can do useful things like change 
its IP address on the fly, and change installed programs without spending 
30 minutes recompiling the whole 15MB image.  I also thought it was 
interesting that at CE school, they told us that when we needed a CE driver 
that didn't exist, the advice they gave us was "look at the source for the 
Linux driver."

	I'm sorry, this was a bit more than the discusison called for, but I 
really despise CE, and I felt the need to rant for a moment. ;)  Mark, 
perhaps your cow-orkers need a demonstration of what makes Linux easier? 
 We have to deal with CE here only because customers specifically ask for 
it to use in their own projects.  If it wasn't for that, we'd never touch 
it...the only appropriate application I've found for CE is on handhelds for 
People Who Don't Know Anything but Windows and Fear Change. ;)

Nathan Yawn,  yawn@emacinc.com

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