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Re: Win95 and Dialup

Richard H. Fifarek said:
> 	We are building a Linux dialup server using a multiport serial
> card, and we have run into to a hitch of sorts.
> 	Standard dialin and PPP works with bringing up a terminal window,
> logging in, and starting pppd.

I haven't seen anybody do it like that (by default anyway) for *years*.

> 	We want to use the AutoPPP functionality of mgetty, and PAP for
> PPP together, so people can easily dialin with Win95.  Anybody had success
> with this?

Many times.  Just install the mgetty & ppp rpms, make sure the AutoPPP
stuff isn't commented in the config file, add an appropriate line to
/etc/inittab, and you should be done.  (Oh, you'll want to make
options.ttyS* files for whatever lines you set up to set the IP
address and such, plus make sure nobody can force bogus options on

steve@silug.org           | Linux Users of Central Illinois
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Steven Pritchard          | http://www.luci.org/ for more info

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