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rsync delays with Georgia Tech repository mirror

Following up on our rsync discussion during Wednesday night's SILUG virtual meeting...

I just timed the delay following this line from my rsync-32updates shell script:

rsync -avxzAHP --delete-after --no-motd \
--exclude=debug \
--exclude=*debug* \
--exclude=armhfp \
--exclude=i386 \
rsync://dl.fedoraproject.org/fedora-enchilada/linux/updates/32/ $LOCAL_DEST

There was a 3 minutes 10 seconds pause before the file list counter appeared:

receiving file list ...
50360 files to consider

Can that long pause really be explained if  GT using is an ancient rsync? Note that I would use the Fedora repository directly if it weren't limited to 20 connections. When I am lucky enough to be one of the 20 connections, Fedora exhibits no pause whatsoever.
