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Fedora 25 General Availability release

The Fedora development team is planning to release Fedora 25 General
Availability on Tuesday morning, November 22, at about 10am CST. This
new release now supports the Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 ARM computers natively.

Changes from v24 are mostly evolutionary, so v25 should be quite
stable. Release 25 could well become the basis for the next Red Hat
Enterprise Linux v8. For details see:


If you want to download the entire release, save both attachments to
your /usr/local/bin directory, chmod them to 755, and chown them to
root:root. Edit the two LOCAL_DEST and LOCAL_USER environmental
variables to match your system. Run the shell script as root.

Be sure you have enough disk space. The entire release will require
about 156GB and may take two days to download at 12 Mbps.

--Doc Savage
  Fairview Heights, IL



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