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How to re-enable ssh logins

Actually I'm trying to figure out how to reverse DISABLED password
logins. Somehow the folks at Protocase have managed to thoroughly
disable ssh logins. I can't figure out how they did it.

I've set "PasswordAuthentication yes" in sshd_config. I've even added an
express "AllowUsers doc" line to the end of sshd_config. After
restarting sshd, attempts to ssh from lion to pod yield:

        CentOS release 6.4 (Final)
        Saturday - October 19, 2013  21:35:18 CDT
        [doc@lion] ~
        $ ssh pod
        doc@pod's password: 
        Permission denied, please try again.
        doc@pod's password: 
        Permission denied, please try again.
        doc@pod's password: 
        Permission denied (publickey,password).

Anybody have any ideas I haven't thought of?


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