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Re: Fedora 18 status is Go, release planned for January 15, 2013

Finally had the chance to install Fedora 18 (new laptop, yay!).  The
disk partitioning tool in the installer is absolutely terrible.  They
should either copy from OpenSUSE or bring back the old tool.  Somehow
it had decided that a single 256Gig SSD was capable of holding 2
separate 230 Gig ext4 partitions.  Beyond that I like the new

On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 8:41 PM, Casey Boone <caseyboone@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is a good btrfs video from the same event as the XFS video
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxWuaozpe2I
> On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 8:15 PM, Casey Boone <caseyboone@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Here is a link to the video.
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FegjLbCnoBw
>> I am looking forward to the talk videos from this year's Linux Conf
>> AU, which is at the end of the month.
>> On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 3:13 PM, Casey Boone <caseyboone@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> One of the XFS maintainers did a presentation on improvements and compared
>>> performance to ext4 and btrfs around this time last year.  I would hope
>>> btrfs got better, but I imagine XFS and EXT4 numbers are still pretty
>>> accurate.  I will link the list when I get to a terminal that isn't a phone,
>>> unless someone beats me to it.  Good presentation even if you don't care for
>>> XFS (it obviously will have a little XFS bias)
>>> On Jan 19, 2013 3:09 PM, "Charter Mail" <unixman@charter.net> wrote:
>>>> Doc,
>>>>   Can you run some kind of performance test for io usage, etc against xfs
>>>> and ext4 ?? Would love to see how it compares?
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Jan 18, 2013, at 4:46 PM, "Robert G. (Doc) Savage"
>>>> <dsavage@peaknet.net> wrote:
>>>> > Kevin,
>>>> >
>>>> > Wuss. I set up both / and /home with btrfs. So far so good.
>>>> >
>>>> > --Doc
>>>> >
>>>> > On Fri, 2013-01-18 at 15:26 -0600, Kevin Thomas wrote:
>>>> >> I stuck with ext4 too.  I'm not ready to go to into the deep end yet.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Casey Boone <caseyboone@gmail.com>
>>>> >> wrote:
>>>> >>        I am going to stick with ext4 and xfs, but if someone does and
>>>> >>        makes use of the advanced things btrfs does, definitely let
>>>> >>        the list know
>>>> >>
>>>> >>        On Jan 18, 2013 8:55 AM, "Kevin Thomas" <axel2078@gmail.com>
>>>> >>        wrote:
>>>> >>                Is anyone going to be brave enough to try btrfs? :)
>>>> >>
>>>> >>                Kevin
>>>> >>
>>>> >>                On 1/16/2013 8:24 PM, Robert G. (Doc) Savage wrote:
>>>> >>                        On Sun, 2013-01-13 at 20:50 -0600, Robert G.
>>>> >>                        (Doc) Savage wrote:
>>>> >>                                Yes, RHEL7 will branch from F18.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>                                Not 100% sure about the final default
>>>> >>                                filesystem. I'm still backing up
>>>> >>                                my F17 hard drive before beginning the
>>>> >>                                TC4 install on hardware. However,
>>>> >>                                in earlier betas ext4 was still the
>>>> >>                                default. I've heard there are other
>>>> >>                                choices, but I can't tell you from my
>>>> >>                                own knowledge quite yet.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>                                --Doc
>>>> >>
>>>> >>                                On Fri, 2013-01-11 at 22:38 -0600,
>>>> >>                                Kevin Thomas wrote:
>>>> >>                                        I thought that someone said
>>>> >>                                        that RHEL would be based on
>>>> >>                                        Fedora 18, is
>>>> >>                                        that correct? How is 18
>>>> >>                                        looking for those that have
>>>> >>                                        tried it? What is
>>>> >>                                        the default file system
>>>> >>                                        format?
>>>> >>                        OK. I'm now installing from the final release
>>>> >>                        F18 x86_64 DVD so I can
>>>> >>                        answer your question.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>                        At the INSTALLATION DESTINATION screen, select
>>>> >>                        the disk(s) you want F18
>>>> >>                        installed to and click on Done in the bottom
>>>> >>                        right corner. The screen
>>>> >>                        will gray out except for a white rectangle in
>>>> >>                        the center titled
>>>> >>                        INSTALLATION OPTIONS. Click on the [+]
>>>> >>                        Partition scheme configuration.
>>>> >>                        There you'll see a choice between Standard
>>>> >>                        Partition, LVM, and btrfs
>>>> >>                        "Partition types". Whichever one you choose,
>>>> >>                        you still have the option
>>>> >>                        to check "Let me customize the partitioning of
>>>> >>                        the disks instead."
>>>> >>
>>>> >>                        Editorial comment: The new all-graphical
>>>> >>                        anaconda is mostly black &
>>>> >>                        white, and not particularly well laid out.
>>>> >>                        Your gaze is not "led"
>>>> >>                        smoothly around the various screens. It has
>>>> >>                        very little visual appeal.
>>>> >>                        Hopefully they'll hand those screens over to
>>>> >>                        the graphic artists when
>>>> >>                        RHEL7 branches.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>                        --Doc
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > -
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