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Adios WebOS

I missed yesterday's SILUG because I was beating the bushes for solid,
reliable planning information about the new HP/Palm Pre3. What I learned
was mostly from what I *didn't* hear, and it's very discouraging.

It appears that WebOS will be going the way of OS/2. Sprint claims HP
hasn't said they'll sell them the Pre3. You won't find the word "Sprint"
anywhere on HP's web site. Sprint's sole concern seems to be our
two-year contracts and their guaranteed income. If your original Pre
fails, they'll replace it from a dwindling supply of refurbs with very
poor reliability. Their strategy is to silently wait you out, offer no
upgrades, sell you a cheap Android when your patience with the Pre is
exhausted, and eventually have them go extinct. If you have a new
two-year contract with that Android, Sprint is happy.

By the way, since HP's new WebOS-based TouchPad is designed to eat,
sleep, work, and play with a Pre3, don't waste your money on one. Its
only external access is WiFi, a Bluetooth keyboard, and "bump"
connectivity with a Pre3. Like the Pre3, HP's web pages for the TouchPad
don't mention a single carrier. It's very sad, but the TouchPad is an
instant orphan.

I'm trying to figure out where to go from here. Android sounds tempting,
but I'm reading that it's the next Windows for malware. An alarming
percentage of cheap Android apps contain stuff like key loggers. Want to
check your bank account's web site with an infected Android phone?

So I'm casting about looking for a safe, affordable, and technically
superior successor for my Sprint/Pre plan with three phones.


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