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Re: dd limit???

It looks like you figured this out on your own, but that's classic
behavior of a failing hard drive.  You hit a bad spot, and it freaked
out the USB-to-ATA adapter.  While those things are great, they do not
handle drive errors well.

You can see for yourself that you're hitting errors with smartctl.  Run
this (assuming the drive is /dev/sda):

  smartctl -A -H -l error -l selftest /dev/sda

Most likely, there will be errors in the error log, or, at the very
least, you'll see reallocated sectors (ID #5 in the big table at the
top, 197 and 198 are also important to watch).  If you run a short
self-test ("smartctl -t short /dev/sda"), wait a couple of minutes, and
re-run the command above, there's a very good chance you'll see in the
self-test log where the drive has failed the self-test.

steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
(618)624-4440             | See web site for meeting details.
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/

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